Any individual can also become a member with the following benefits:
– The assistance of IBA to work or to explore the biogas field on the national and international levels.
– Comprehensive political and legal advocacy for the biogas sector in the legislative process and in the drafting of regulations on national and state levels.
– Access to IBA’s published documents, biogas magazines, newsletters, industry documents, and presentations.
– Regular updates of the events supported or organized by IBA.
– You’ll be listed in the wide circulated directory of members.
– Latest updates of issues, which affect the biogas field through regular bulletins.
– Different discounts on conferences/workshops/seminars/ training organized or supported by IBA on the national and international levels.
– Access to the wide network of IBA’s family.
– Assistance in plant visits and information of technical, financial, and political know-how of the biogas field.
Annual Fee: INR 5000/-